iHeart Radio recently asked Dr. Alex del Carmen to come on the air to discuss the prevalence of mass shootings in the United States. Dr. Carmen is the head of the School of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Strategic Studies at Tarleton State University in Fort Worth and teaches future law enforcement officers. He shared his insights on the data his institute collected from 1966 to 2021 which showed that mass shootings have increased in frequency across the US and the world.
Dr. Carmen believes that lawmakers need to have a serious conversation about a comprehensive approach to address mass shootings, including target hardening, metal detectors in schools, increasing the number of individuals guarding schools, and resources for mental health. He also noted that lifestyle choices can play a role in safety, as well as being aware of the space and time one is in.
Dr. Carmen concluded by urging the public to put politics aside and have a conversation about how society can be made safer for everyone, including the most vulnerable populations.